Guiding Service

My guiding services are now available to assist fly fishermen on both game and coarse rivers. I'd be happy to advise and arrange your special day anywhere from one of Derbyshires finest trout and grayling rivers to your own local coarse river. Email Mick Martin for details and options. Please copy and paste into your own email

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Summer Nights

Dashed to Mayfield this evening after a few hours of glorious sunshine yesterday. With one rod already there I was suprised on such a lovely summers night and after a chat he'd caught a few so high hopes indeed. Her Majesty was running perfectly clear and at a excellent level with the odd sedge skitting about and the odd mayfly. To be honest there wasn't much rising early on, just the odd isolated fish which I caught now and then, however later there was a fare old hatch of Upright Olives.

After recent confusion I thought I'd show a pic of an Upright Olive which is pretty unmistakable once examined. First of all on a summers evening they appear to have a brownish/reddish tinge while they drift around your head. Another give away is one slight move towards them has them moving the equal distance away from you, a little like catching a tenner in the wind. I've found good hatches of Upright Olives all over Derbyshire especially downstream of a regular gate on the Wye and along stretches of Her Majesty.

Two hours before dusk the male and female could be seen tumbling through the air,top and tailing together in a great disguise, you'd never believe it were Uprights, more like an hawthorn or maybe a chinhook from a distance until you get a close inspection. Anyway lastnight I took a sample of both sexes home for identification after stumbling upstream for 10 mins trying to catch the flippin tricky boggers. A good tip is carry an on site pocket magnifier with you while fishing, which is enough to ID most species, however for more detail capture a sample for microscope later. I bought my fishing magnifier for £4 on ebay with its own leather case - cool piece of kit, an idea from Stuart Croft. I hope the photo taken from my book is enough to help with any confusion on Upright Olives, well the Derbyshire ones anyway. On site i look for the nearly black eyes touching with no bridge between them, dark grey/brown ringed with olive, large hindwings and a dark smudge on its femur (leg section to body)with an orange thorax. Hope this helps somebody as I've decided to show several upwings as they appear naturally.

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