Guiding Service

My guiding services are now available to assist fly fishermen on both game and coarse rivers. I'd be happy to advise and arrange your special day anywhere from one of Derbyshires finest trout and grayling rivers to your own local coarse river. Email Mick Martin for details and options. Please copy and paste into your own email

Monday, 4 May 2009


Me and Splash off the forum fished Wolfscotedale yesterday afternoon and apart from the strong gusts of wind the conditions were bright and last nights rain had given her Majesty a small top up. There was the odd rise in the meadow but after losing a fish and a few missed takes we both decided to move downstream into the valley both on a blank but hopefully we could avoid he wind a little.

In no time we began to pick off the odd fish going downstream in all kind of swims and although the venue wasn't on fire, there was enough action to keep us both happy. After a few hours the wind calmed down and after catching the beauty below on the last pool we turned back to pick up a couple on the home leg.

We finally reached the meadow where I lost another fish, maybe the same fish as earlier - the swine. We had a quick walk upstream through the next clubs water at Beresford Dale and had a nosey around and the stretch looked promising.

These pretty little wild beauties below always impress me with their stunning good looks and vivid colouration, we would have been happy catching these tiddlers all day. Needless to say we caught different sized fish along with a couple of spectacular fights in one of the finest venues I know. Successful flies being Elk Hair Caddis and Grey Duster but Larry's Pride won the day yet again, with Splash being forced to acknowledge its effectiveness - Deadly!

The wildlife appeared active today with dippers and wagtails doing their thing and we stumbled across a few Goosanders 2 females and a male trying to hide in the bank for a kip. They all quickly left the building, when the dreaded anglers stopped for a look at them. Its the 1st time I've seen them on this stretch and with Splash hunting through the night before we came, he appeared a bit twitchy. Joking aside Goosanders are pretty impressive ducks.

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