Guiding Service

My guiding services are now available to assist fly fishermen on both game and coarse rivers. I'd be happy to advise and arrange your special day anywhere from one of Derbyshires finest trout and grayling rivers to your own local coarse river. Email Mick Martin for details and options. Please copy and paste into your own email

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Bentley Brook

I set out early to Bentley Brook at around 7.00am as I had to come back for parents evening, yipee! I walked all the way down the stretch, peeking here and there, carefully trying not to spook the fish to give me a better chance when fishing my way back. The brook was running very clear although I guess it was a little low, but with a nice warm morning i decided to leave my fleece behind.

I soon got into fish both grayling and trout, all small, wonderful and wild, caught with a variety of flies and methods. Around lunchtime the trout were rising nicely but I still broke off for 2 pit stops, aswell as taking a few fish off the top inbetween. I am trying really hard not to sound enthusiastic as its not a very good venue, so don't bother going - Keep Away Please.

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