On arrival the river was high and coloured but the show must go on, especially as tomorrow's forecast is heavy rain and today the sun was shining bright, in a clear blue sky. I set up my 10ft rod and set off along the banks of the Dove, before long I managed a grayling in superb condition but small in size. The hard work was now done as one fish is always enough for me, anymore are a bonus after that and I tend to relax with no pressure on, once I've wet my net. I caught 2 small grayling and lost a couple of big ones too, with all takes on a Pink Shrimp pattern.
Wondering downstream I came across a real fisherman (pictured below), who happily took part in a mexican stand off with me from the other side of the river. Usually these birds move along whenever you get close, a bit like chasing a £10 note in a gale, whenever you try to pick it up - off it blows again. There was no doubt this was the Clint Eastwood of the fishing world, and not only was he there first, but he was also fishing for his dinner, while I know my evening meal will be placed on a table in front of me, by my darling wife.
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