I went for a look at Bentley/Bradbourne Brook this morning, the water was coloured and having no experience there, I felt well out of my depth so I decided to spend the day at Mayfield instead. On arrival I noticed a few brothers of the wangle also about to set up so I quickly made my way to the wier. I decided to use the nymph line today as there would be nothing rising and the grayling would be tight to the river bed. I quickly set up a duo of Tiny Shiny's pictured on the right column of the page and began fishing. The river had risen a lot due to recent rains, so the levels were good, although the river did appear a little cloudy and slightly fast.
After playing with the depth of leader for a while I started to get takes resulting in a couple of grayling on the Tiny Shiny. Takes were few and far between for a while so I tied a heavy River Criminal (pictured on right) on point, getting down quicker was the ticket and ended in a couple more nice fish like this one pictured below. These river Dove grayling must be close to their peak as they were completely stunning to look at today and fought like Trojans, if these grayling were the reason my toes were numb and cold then it was worth every second in the water, and when all said and done, no pain, no gain.
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